Bible Text: Ephesians 4 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Practice Resurrection | The Christian life is about resurrection. It’s about seeing dead things come back to life. The central moment in the Christian narrative is not the death of Jesus, it is his resurrection. The book of Ephesians makes this clear – The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is present and active within the church community today. But the problem is that it is easy to forget or even understand what resurrection looks like in our world. We want to relegate it as something that happened in the past and only to Jesus. But as Christians, we believe God empowers humanity to be agents of restoration wherever they might be. The empty tomb tells us that death and darkness do not get the last laugh. Tomorrow doesn’t have to be the same as today. New life is possible. So in practicing resurrection we’re aligning ourselves with God’s vision to bring heaven crashing into earth and enact real and tangible change in our lives and in our world.