Welcome to a brand new year! As we enter 2020 we want to try and incorporate a more spiritually-focused element to our ministry. So, we are going to take a look at some inspiration found in a single verse each week.
As Christian illusionists, we have a duty to stay connected to God and His Word. Additionally, as servants of the LORD and people who take to church stages and pulpits as speakers or to deliver sermons, it is imperative that we study the Bible diligently. Most importantly, as people who love God and His precepts, we want to dive deeper into the scriptures and draw ever nearer to Him.
Let God grant what is in your heart
Psalm 20:4
and fulfill all your plans.
Context, context, context…
Now, it would be easy to take this verse and simply apply it to our own lives as though the Bible is telling us that whatever we want, God should grant.
However, this week’s verse is actually part of a longer prayer found in the Psalms. If we want to understand what is going on here, we need to take a look at the context. It is a prayer from the people of Israel to King David as he prepared for battle. So, their prayer was that what David wanted should be granted.
So, what did David want and why should God honor his plans? Well, since he was preparing for battle, David obviously wanted victory and safety. Both of which would benefit the whole of Israel and bring glory to God.
There is a beautiful and easy connection between this verse and Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the Lord,
and your plans will succeed.
Have you committed your work to the LORD? Is your heart tuned to what God wants? Are you seeking His glory or your own? Are you striving to honor Him or simply to increase your own stature and position?
You see, when your heart’s desires line up with God’s, that is when He will fulfill all your plans. Choose this day to draw closer to Him. Seek to line up your actions and your plans with His and see how He uses those to glorify Himself!